Reputation – General Public Overview

Read more about the reputation of pharmaceutical companies operating in the UK among the general public

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to increased public visibility of the pharmaceutical industry. In July 2020, almost three in ten people could recall seeing or hearing anything about pharmaceutical companies operating in the UK.

Now over half can remember some news about the industry. Despite this increased recall, our data suggests that few people feel any more familiar with pharmaceutical companies operating in the UK. As of March 2021, few – just one in seven – feel they know a lot or a fair amount about the sector; almost unchanged since the first wave of this study back in July 2020.

Before today, do you recall seeing, reading or hearing anything about pharmaceutical companies operating in the UK in the past month? (% Yes)


“It’s obvious that [Pharmaceutical companies operating in the UK] do an important job but I do not know enough detail about it”
General Public Respondent

And from the list below, please can you indicate where have you heard about pharmaceutical companies operating in the UK in the past month?

Top five sources of news about Pharmaceutical companies (March 2021) (%)

I would now like to ask you about a number of organisations operating in the UK. Please can you tell me how well you feel you know each of the following organisations.

Familiarity with Pharmaceutical companies operating in the UK (March 2021)

Familiarity with Pharmaceutical companies operating in the UK (July 2020)

“The chemist I go to at the doctor is called Well, but I don’t know if that is a Pharmaceutical company or if they are just the chemist.”
General Public Respondent

Many people have limited familiarity with the sector, together with a lack of understanding about what pharmaceutical companies do. Though increasingly likely to understand that the sector researches, develops, manufactures and supplies medicines and vaccines, around two in five believe that the sector makes beauty products or runs pharmacies. This position remains unchanged since July 2020. People aged over 55 are more likely to have this view than other age groups.

Which of the following activities are managed by pharmaceutical companies operating in the UK? (March 2021)

“I feel quite proud really that we’ve pulled it out of the bag… I feel quite proud to be British knowing what [Pharmaceutical companies operating in the UK] have achieved… We never thought that by July hopefully every adult will have been vaccinated.”
General Public Respondent

Three in five people feel more positive about the sector than they did before the pandemic, despite little change in public familiarity or understanding of it. Qualitative analysis suggests that there is gratitude for developing COVID-19 vaccines and an increased sense of national pride. Now, over half of the public agree that the sector focusses on what patients need. Qualitative analysis also suggests that many of those who distrust the sector believe that profits are the primary motive of these companies, rather than a desire to help those in need.

Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements: Pharmaceutical companies operating in the UK…

Focus on what patients need (% strongly agree / tend to agree)

Reputation KPI summary